

Did you know you can increase your crop yield with music without applying fertilizers?

As it is popularly said, music is the soul of life. Music revives, resuscitates and it brings back life. Music is very important to life; it is a crucial aspect of living.

Increase in crop yield and productivity is the aim of any crop producing business. There are traditional ways of increasing yield of any crop. 
It is the use of boosters, called fertilizer. Fertilizers are commonly used to increase crop yield. Fertilizer may be organic or inorganic; both are good. As the earth evolves, new developments and knowledge emerge. Scientists are working up to their eye brows to ensure life becomes cheap and all economic activities are improved in all facets.

Using music as fertilizer seems ridiculous but it’s high time we moved with the new trends and equipped ourselves with innovative and productive knowledge. Music is a good fertilizer, it has been tested and found very effective if you are into organic farming or you produce organic food. Instead of using harmful chemicals on crops which after consumption have residual effects on humans; this greatly impairs human’s health.

How music brings about growth in plants

It has been experimented and proven beyond any shadow of doubt that harmonic sound waves affect the growth, flowering, fruiting and seed yield of plants. Music brings about resonance or echo and vibration; this causes the stomata to open. The stomata is a crucial part of the plant; it is the channel for the exchange of material between the plants and its environment. Proteins are synthesized as a result of vibration. Amino acids are building blocks of protein, each amino acid has its own frequency, thus, proteins also have a range of frequency that must be attained to facilitate its synthesis.     

Different tones influence plant growth; plant hormones, like auxin, consist of two amino acids. When a plant vibrates at the frequency of these two amino acids, there is increase in the production of desirable plant hormones thus resulting in bigger shoots and vigorous growth because germination is all about hormones.

What type of music does a plant prefer?

It has been observed that plants perform better when classical music is played. Classical music has purer tones. 

Research works of some notable scientists on effect of music on plant growth

In Colorado,
A female crop scientist, Dorothy Retallack, did many controlled experiments using greenhouses with different genres of music and plants. After two weeks, she observed that the plants physically leaned 15-20 degrees towards a radio playing classical and jazz music, while they scramble to grow away from rock music and become sick. Marigold listening to rock music died within two weeks, whereas those listening to classical music were 6feets away from flowering. The noticeable positive reactions were from classical Indian music.

Also, T.C Singh, head of department of Botany at Annamalia University did many experiments with Indian music and plants got amazing results. He successfully enhanced rice yield to about 25-60% higher than average and nearly 50% in peanuts and tobacco.

In Illinois,
George Smith, a botanist and researcher, planted corn and soybean in different greenhouses under controlled conditions and began experiment. In one greenhouse, he played “Rhapsody in blue” by George Gershwin 24 hours a day. The result was impressive; it produced thicker and greener plants that weighed 40% more for corn and 24% more for soybean.

In Ottawa University,
Two researchers at the University of Ottawa did a trial with high frequency vibrations in wheat; plants responded best to a frequency of 5000 cycles a second. They were bemused and could not explain why audible sound had nearly doubled wheat yield.

In Canada,
Peter Belton, a researcher from Canada department of agriculture, controlled the European corn-borer moth by broadcasting ultrasonic waves. 50% of the corn was damaged in the control plot, and only 5% in the plot with sound. The sound plot also had 60% fewer larvae and 3 inches taller than average.

In New York,
George Milstein found that a continuous low hum at 3000 cycles per second accelerated the growth of most of his plants and even caused some of them to bloom at six full months ahead of their normal schedule.

These are research works and laudable results on the efficacy of music on crop yield. Knowledge is dynamic; this seems absurd but put into practice before conclusion. It is a way to improve organic farming.    

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