What brings about development is when you perform an old or prevailing practice in a new way. This is what makes a business profitable. Fertilizer application is a very crucial way of increasing crop yield. Not only the crops benefit, the soil also benefits in case of organic fertilizer. There are different method of fertilizer application, depending on the prevailing condition.

Broadcasting, band placement, foliar application and top dressing are the common methods used in fertilizer application. They have been used and seen to be very effective over time. However, various systems of farming have been discovered; we talk of hydroponic, greenhouse farming etc. These are new developments in the realm of farming. A farmer needs to ensure he creates a system that complements new cultivation practices.

Most of the aforementioned methods of fertilizer application are not applicable in the new systems of farming, like hydroponics. There is a need to create another system for feeding the crops adequate nutrients. This quest led to the invention of Tea fertilizer. Tea fertilizer is an organic fertilizer that is rich in macro and micro nutrients for crop growth. It is environmental compliance and safe to use. It is also cheap and the materials needed to prepare it are readily available.

Tea fertilizer can be gotten from two main sources of nutrients, plant and animal.when it is made from animal fertilizer, it is called animal tea fertilizer and if made from plant materials, it is called plant tea fertilizer. As said earlier, tea fertilizer is easy to make and the steps involved in making tea fertilizer are very simple to carry out. Here, you will learn how to make tea fertilizer from both plants and animal material.

How to make tea fertilizer from animal materials.

Animal tea fertilizer can be made from farm animal waste or dung. You can use any of poultry, goat and sheep or cattle dung to make tea fertilizer. You will need a big drum or tank to prepare your tea fertilizer; also, you need a permeable sack, a wooden rod, a long rope and a large stone. Once these materials are ready you are almost there.

Sun-dry the animal manure and gather all in the permeable sack. Place the large stone in the sack with the manures. Fill the drum or tank with water, preferably to more than half of the tank. Place the sack inside the tank with the rope tied to the top of the sack at one end and to the rod at the other end such that the rod serves as an anchor to suspend the sack in the tank with the aid of the rope. You can also cover the tank with a cloth or fly net to avoid unruly interference by flies. Stir the water every day for about 10 days. By then, your fertilizer is ready for use. Animal tea fertilizer protects your crop from pests; this is because at times, detrimental insects reside within animal manure. Such manure is a host to pathogens when applied directly to crops either through ring method or top dressing.

A = Cloth or fly net; B= Rod; C = Permeable sack; D = Stone; E = water; F = Rope


How to make tea fertilizer with plant materials.

Like animal tea fertilizer, plant tea fertilizer is made from plant materials. You can use any plant for this purpose. You need the plant leaves, you can use more than one plant leaves say: grass-legume combination to have a mixture of nutrients . You need wood ash to supply minerals and also acts as pest repellent. Other materials needed are: permeable sack, long rope, wooden rod, tank, stone; as used in the animal tea fertilizer procedure. 

The process is the same as animal tea fertilizer but you have to work on the leaves before adding to the sack. You are required to chop the leaves into fine pieces before adding to your sack. After adding the chopped leaves into the sack, add the wood ash and mix with the leaves vigorously for even distribution. Add the stone inside the sack to prevent the sack from floating. Tight the top of the sack with the rope as done in the animal tea fertilizer; fill your tank with water and insert the sack in the water as directed in the animal tea fertilizer. Cover with a cloth or fly net as directed above; stir every morning till about 10 days. Then you have your tea fertilizer made from plant materials.

To apply any of the above tea fertilizers on your crop, dilute the fertilizer with equal volume of water and spray on your crops. If you have irrigation system, it is perfect for you. These fertilizers can be used on any type of crop. It is non-toxic to the plants or animals and cheap to use. It is perfect for organic farming as it contains no chemical.

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