Worms are otherwise known as internal parasites; from the meaning of the word “parasites” you should know that worms are threats to livestock well-being. Several factors hinder the productivity of a livestock farm; worms are among these factors and can be very detrimental to both the livestock and the farmer. Worm infestation has deleterious effects in livestock animals: poultry birds, cattle, sheep, goats etc. 

There are different types of worms affecting livestock: roundworms, tapeworms etc.; most species of worms do not multiply in their host, adult worms produce eggs and these eggs are passed out as feaces. The eggs develop to larvae and the larvae are picked up with grasses or other feed components when livestock animals graze or feed from the floor. This is the model of how livestock animals are infested by worms. A conscious farmer should be wary of worms and must also seek preventive measures ahead of curative ones.

A good farmer should have a health program that the animals practice periodically; part of the program is the use of preventive measures to combat worm infestation. In most cases, farmers do treat worms infestation; they lack the knowledge of how best to prevent worms ahead of their infestation. There are different ways of preventing worm infestation; the cheapest way is the use of herbs to control worms.

Some herbs have been observed to have anthelmintic effects, that is, they are destructive to parasitic intestinal worms. These are parts of the blessings of nature. It is also an advantage because the use of herbs to control worms in livestock production reduces the cost of production and makes the venture more profitable. They are preventive measures and can be added to the routine nutritional program of the animals. 

These herbs are:

  •  Albrizia anthelmintica:  
Albrizia anthelmintica is a thorny leguminous tress that can grow up to about 8 meters in height; it is a native of semi-arid areas of Africa. It is commonly found in African countries like:Namibia, South Africa, Kenya and Somalia. The bark and shoot of this tree are widely used to control intestinal parasites, especially tapeworm. It is administered by crushing the bark and shoots; after which they are soaked in cold water to enhance palatability. The liquid is then strained and served orally through the mouth to livestock animals like: cattle, sheep and goat. It is non-toxic and safe to use.
  •  Pramnia maxima: 
Pramnia maxima is another effective tree crop that can be used to control intestinal worms; it is a native of east Africa and widely grown in Kenya. This tree bears very small fruits; these fruits are crushed and mixed with water, you can as well add little salt to it; the mixture is served orally through the mouth in the evening to control parasitic intestinal worms in cattle, sheep and goat. 

  • Veronia amygdalina:  
Veronia amygdalina, also known as bitter leaf or Ewuro in Yoruba language, is a small shrub that grows to about 2-5 meters high. It is a native of tropical Africa and has numerous health benefits to both humans and animals. About 120grams of the leaves of this shrub are collected and pounded with 100ml of water. The mixture is allowed to settle for about 12 hours; after which the liquid is then sieved and served orally to one cattle, sheep or goat and poultry bird. It is best served by drenching as the solution tastes very bitter.

  • Khaya senegalensis:  
Khaya senegalensis, also known as African mahogany, is a very tall tree that can grow to about 30 meters high. It is a deciduous evergreen tree and a native of Africa. The bark of this tree is collected, air dried and grounded to form powder; the powder is then mixed with 1% red potash. About 75grams of the powder should be mixed with water; it is then stirred to make it evenly diluted in the water because it forms suspension. It is served orally through the mouth by drenching the livestock to be served.

  • Pawpaw leaves: 
Pawpaw is a natural internal cleanser. It is very effective in controlling intestinal worms in livestock animals especially in rabbit. The leaves should be chopped and served fresh to any livestock animal: cattle, goat, sheep and rabbit; in need.


How to drench animals

Drenching is forcefully giving an animal liquid substance, say drugs, orally through the mouth. It is done when the substance is not palatable; most times, when the liquid substance has a bitter taste. To get this done, you need an empty bottle of drinks; ensure the appropriate measurement of the liquid substance you are about to drench is in place. Keep the animal's head in a normal position and insert the bottom of the bottle in the left side of the mouth and slowly pour the liquid substance, mostly drugs, directly into the throat of the animal. This is called drenching.

This is an organic way of livestock production. It is more of a preventive measure and can be done on a monthly basis. Parasitic intestinal worms are harmful to the productivity of any livestock animal; it results to reduced feed utilization and emaciation. Use the above herbs to keep your livestock animals safe from unruly infestation of worms. Endeavor to share this article as wide as possible for other farmers to benefit from it, just as how you have benefitted.

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